Monday 31 August 2020

GNA President Guzman Meets with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

GNA President Monica Okada Guzman met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on March 5, 2018.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Looking back at the 2019 Lantern Floating Ceremony Snapshots

Here's a look at snapshots from last year's 5th Annual Proa Floating Lantern Ceremony held September 7, 2019 at the Governor Joseph Flores Beach Park (Ypao).  This year's ceremony has been canceled, due to COVID-19.  We will always remember our loved ones who have passed away.  God bless, and please stay safe!

Thursday 2 July 2020

Congratulations, Kimie Okada, for winning Triple J’s Class of 2020 Tik Tok Contest!

Guam Nikkei Association congratulates Kimie Okada, daughter of GNA members David and Mary Okada, for winning second place in Triple J’s Class of 2020 Tik Tok Contest.  Kimie, a 2020 graduate of Notre Dame High School, won a $1,500 scholarship to a college of her choice, Guam Community College.  Kimie is a descendent of Japanese and CHamoru ancestry, which make up most members of the Guam Nikkei Association.  She has participated in many GNA community activities.  We wish Kimie the best in her endeavors!  She has a bright future ahead of her.  Good luck, Kimie!

Kimie Okada (center) wins a $1,500 scholarship to a college of her choice.  Pictured with her are her proud parents, David and Mary Okada, along with the Triple J. Enterprises Team.