Thursday, 7 November 2019

Guam Nikkei Association (GNA) donates to the Japan Club of Guam

(Tamuning, Guam) The Guam Nikkei Association donates to the Japan Club of Guam for their 40th Japan Autumn Festival to be held on November 16th, 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Beach Park (Ypao Beach).

The Guam Nikkei Association is proud to support the Japan Club of Guam as they celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Japan Autumn Festival. The Festival is the longest-running festival in Guam and celebrates cultural exchange for children and the people of Guam. 

“Many members of the Guam Nikkei Association have grown up attending the Autumn Festival through the years and it is a fitting tribute to celebrate our Japanese ancestry through this donation. Through the Japan Club of Guam and their hosting of this Annual Festival, the people of Guam have enjoyed cultural exchange and exposure to our Japanese heritage,” stated Monte Mesa, President of the GNA.

Pictured above is Yuichiro Hirano, Japan Club of Guam, Monte Mesa, President, Guam Nikkei Association, Mike Sato, President, Japan Club of Guam, Lucky Sakamoto and Karl Sotto, Guam Nikkei Association. Second Row: Cathy Castro, Gloria Cruz and Monica Guzman, Guam Nikkei Association.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Matson Navigation Guam presents grant award to Guam Nikkei Association

(Agana Heights, Guam) The Guam Nikkei Association (GNA) received a $500 grant award from Matson Navigation in support of the environmental clean-up by the Guam Okayama Homestay Exchange Program on July 21. 8 students from Okayama, Japan were hosted by members of the Association during a 6-day tour included participating in the 75th Liberation activities parade and concluded with a farewell dinner at Government House and meeting Maga’Haga Lou Leon Guerrero and First Gentleman Jeff Cook.

In its 3rd year, the Guam Okayama Homestay program is organized by the municipal government of Okayama Prefecture and students alternate travel. As many as 10 Guam students will have the opportunity to travel to Japan in 2020 for a weeklong cultural exchange.

Front row L-R: Guam Nikkei Association Chairman Frank S.N. Shimizu accepts the grant from Matson Navigation’s Gloria Perez along with Governor Lou Leon Guerrero on July 25. Also pictured are the 8 exchange students along with their chaperones and First Gentleman Jeff Cook.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Thank you for hosting Tokon painters

Thank you for the warm welcome you provided to the Tokon painters 
on February 26, 2019.  Enjoy the following snapshots!